Tot ce poate face femeia :

She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child
But she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to live
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free
She steals like a thief
But she's always a woman to me
She takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
And she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
She will promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me
She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
But she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
And the most she wïll do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me

She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child
But she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to live
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free
She steals like a thief
But she's always a woman to me
She takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
And she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
She will promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me
She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
But she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
And the most she wïll do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me
7 comentarii:
Voi barbatii... sau baietii in general sunteti praf... sincer praf,varza etc etc etc desi nu imi place sa generalizez o fac pt ca si u ai facut-o si oricum nu as face o mare greseala.
daca noi suntem praf... voi nu sunteti :))... oricum mai bine baiat.. dak ma fut cu 2 decat... curva penibila dak te futi cu 2
=)))))))) aoleu era sa cad de pe scaun de atata ras...dar apoi am mai citit o data si m-am gandit ca de fapt ar trebui sa plang. Sunt curioasa cu ce o sa ramai u daca te futi cu 2 si ma refer peste cativa multi multi ani sunt curioasa daca o sa te incalzeasca cu ceva, nu cred ca ar fi genul de amintire care sa iti bucure o zi . Tu cred ca nu ai auzit de sistem de valori personal.. daca chiar te intereseaza daca te fac baietzasii prost ca nu ai inselat cand ai avut ocazia sau ca nu ai profitat de o anumita ocazie inseamna ca te-ai nascut cu spiritul de turma in sange. Bineinteles pe sistemul "DACA NU ERA CU TINE-L INSELA CU TINE" ..asa iti zic si eu tie daca nu erai baiat si erai fata sigur erai PITZIPOANCA NO.1.
cum spui tu
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